Philosophy means the love of knowledge, it is derived from thinking about things and is a rational effort to reach the truth and understand the basis of events. Every time a person engages in reasoning about his known facts and beliefs in order to know them correctly and to correct them by exploring their reasons and roots or to find a solution to their ambiguous points, he has in fact turned to philosophy.
Jurisprudence is a set of rules that specify the duties of those who are obligated. These rules are divided into different sections such as acts of worship and transactions.
Acts of worship are actions in which the intention of getting close to God is required, such as: prayer, fasting and pilgrimage
Morality in Islam is related to divine piety and is under its care. And whatever has such a characteristic, it is obligatory for Muslims to observe and care for it.
Law, morality and religion have been closely related to each other since ancient times. Before the last two centuries, the rules of morality and
law were mixed together and religion ruled the laws of many countries in the world.
We will see that even today, despite all the efforts made to distinguish them from each other, morality and religion also share most of the characteristics that we attribute to law. In particular, with the specific concept that sociologists have given to morality, the difference between
law and morality completely disappears.