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The role of Islamic jurisprudence in the criminal justice system

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Index date: 21 December 2024

The role of Islamic jurisprudence in the criminal justice system abstract

Islamic jurisprudence is one of the main sources of legislation in Islamic countries, which has a profound effect on the legal systems of these countries, especially in the field of criminal law. The principles and rulings of Islamic jurisprudence are used in the formulation of criminal laws and affect various aspects of criminal proceedings, including criminalization, determining punishment, and administering justice. These rulings are extracted from the main sources of jurisprudence, such as the Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas, and are regulated based on Sharia standards. In many Islamic countries, legislators and judges use jurisprudence principles to interpret laws and determine punishments. One of the most important principles of criminal law, which is an effective guarantee for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, is the principle of the legality of crime and punishment, that any punishment or criminal penalty (such as prison, financial fine, etc.) can only be applied if it is prescribed by law. It is explicitly mentioned. In other words, no punishment can be applied without a specific legal text.

The role of Islamic jurisprudence in the criminal justice system Keywords:

Principles and rulings of Islamic jurisprudence , determination of punishment and execution of justice , criminal proceedings , Islamic jurisprudence , penal and criminal law

The role of Islamic jurisprudence in the criminal justice system authors

آرمین رمضانی گرمی

دانشجو کارشناسی ارشد پیوسته الهیات ، گرایش فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی دانشگاه بین المللی امام رضا (ع)

مراجع و منابع این Preprint:

لیست زیر مراجع و منابع استفاده شده در این مقاله پیش چاپ را نمایش می دهد. برخی از مراجع این مقاله ممکن است قبلا در سیویلیکا نمایه شده باشند، در این صورت مراجع مورد نظر به صورت کاملا ماشینی و بر اساس هوش مصنوعی و بدون دخالت انسانی استخراج شده و به مقاله یا منبع مذکور لینک میشوند
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نمایش کامل مراجع

مقاله فارسی "The role of Islamic jurisprudence in the criminal justice system" توسط آرمین رمضانی گرمی، دانشجو کارشناسی ارشد پیوسته الهیات ، گرایش فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی دانشگاه بین المللی امام رضا (ع) نوشته شده و در تاریخ 1 دی 1403 به صورت پیش چاپ در پایگاه سیویلیکا ثبت شده است. کلمات کلیدی استفاده شده در این مقاله Principles and rulings of Islamic jurisprudence, determination of punishment and execution of justice, criminal proceedings, Islamic jurisprudence, penal and criminal law هستند. در چکیده این مقاله اشاره شده است که Islamic jurisprudence is one of the main sources of legislation in Islamic countries, which has a profound effect on the legal systems of these countries, especially in the field of criminal law. The principles and rulings of Islamic jurisprudence are used in the formulation of criminal laws and affect various aspects of criminal proceedings, including criminalization, determining punishment, and administering ... . برای دانلود فایل کامل مقاله The role of Islamic jurisprudence in the criminal justice system با 17 صفحه به فرمت PDF، میتوانید از طریق بخش "دانلود فایل کامل" اقدام نمایید.