Since about a century ago, Iranians have been careful in facing the social developments of other nations and the implementation of the "development" paradigm in Iran and third world countries. And gradually their thinking has reached a degree of maturity to start an official effort to replace this paradigm.
A review of Iran's social history from 100 years ago until now, clearly indicates that Iranians have continuously observed the social developments of other nations and with the coming of the Pahlavi period, they witnessed profound spatial changes in Iran.
These developments took an organized form especially during the second Pahlavi period, and many programs were prepared in the field of administrative organizations, buying satellites, establishing a nuclear power plant, building big dams, creating a modern army, etc. The implementation of these programs in several decades was followed by a national review of what had happened. The general understanding of the society based on the emotional wisdom of what had happened can be summarized in a few basic points.
What has happened is pushing Iran towards a country with mass consumption and leading to dependence on foreigners.
The class gap and the population of the poor have increased drastically every day.
Nomadism and muralism are in danger of extinction
Environmental vulnerability has become a serious problem
Iran's cultural and historical identity has been exposed to destruction and its major change has manifested as a fundamental attack )Crossing identity, history and security(.
Theoretical foundations and objectives:
This article followed a comparative logic and mostly analyzed the differences between the development and progress paradigms. Also to run the progress paradigm it is tried to benefit from the executive structures of the development paradigm
In order to achieve the goals of this research, at first, the bases and foundations of the development paradigm (Rusto in America), the land use paradigm (the French and the Germans) and the regional foresight paradigm (the European Union) in terms of epistemology are investigated, and according to the definition of paradigm according to Cohen, the semantic variables of each paradigm are indexed. The semantic variables defined for each paradigm were:
The Hometown of paradigm
The Doctrine of paradigm
The goals of paradigm
The final destination of paradigm
The executive subsystems of paradigm
The ideological contexts of paradigm
After recognizing each of the semantic indicators of the paradigms, the recognition of these semantic indicators was discussed in the paradigm of progress. This work was done based on the latest version of the
Paradigm of
Progress document at the Iranian Islamic Pattern Center. In the next step, to compare these paradigms with each other, “Nich method” was used to calculate their spatial distance. The degree of difference of each in the field of Hometown, Doctrine, and Goals was determined. This comparison has followed “Jeanette's method” of analysis.
Investigations showed that the four paradigms in spatial planning have sometimes fundamental differences in terms of Hometown, Doctrine, and Goals. These differences in their Hometowns, Doctrines, and Goals are different from what is discussed in the progress paradigm of Iranian society, and therefore, a review of the theoretical foundations of social and spatial evolution in Iran requires a serious revision.
For the implementation of any paradigm, three systems (scientific-philosophical, governance and cultural) are necessary Which can generally be summarized in the following cases:
Borrowing the executive organization of the "development" paradigm is one of the valuable experiences, the use of which can reduce the fifty-year period of the progress paradigm to one or two decades.
Certainly, the implementation of the progress paradigm cannot be implemented without having three systems of "governance", "scientific" and "cultural", and this is the most important achievement of the development review and international experiences of several decades in the development paradigm.
In the field of philosophical and scientific system, although the combination of the field knowledge and the university is a suitable combination, but the change in the content is necessary both in the field of knowledge and in the university. Iranian scientists and researchers in both areas should define indicators that can continuously and intelligently evaluate the paradigm elements and the extent to which they have been achieved.
In the realm of culture, the tricks and techniques of the evangelists are very rich and only updating them and their form of presentation should be adapted and updated according to the taste of today's societies. In this matter, the main axes of the norms of the progress paradigm should be placed in the agenda of the cultural trustees and help in all processes that can transform these norms into social behavior at various scales.