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An analysis of some mental states in the process of implementing religious rulings from the perspective of the Quran and psychology

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An analysis of some mental states in the process of implementing religious rulings from the perspective of the Quran and psychology abstract

Obsession, habit, and fear are among the psychological states that are not far from the possibility of occurring in the behavior of some people who are obligated to follow religious laws. In the present study, an analytical and partly comparative method has been used to examine the causes, effects, and consequences of those states based on the verses of the Quran and psychological findings. The results of the discussion show that the Quran has indirectly explained the issue by clarifying the facilitation and ease in practicing religious laws and negating any hardship, difficulty, and burden beyond one's ability. Later, Muslim commentators and jurists tried to explain and expand only that aspect of divine facilitation by establishing the principles of rational practice. However, it is possible to infer from the content and implications of the Quran factors such as ignorance (lack of sufficient knowledge), negligence, weakness of will, following suspicion and incomplete perceptions, and feeling guilty in the formation of the aforementioned states. In contrast, some psychologists specifically analyzed and dissected the behavior of people suffering from obsessions, fears, anxiety, and habits in terms of the influence of environmental and genetic factors and the hormonal and neural structure of the brain, which overall provided a more different explanation. However, given that humans are affected by various factors and conditions in both internal and external areas, it is possible to find commonalities between the Quranic implications and psychological findings.

An analysis of some mental states in the process of implementing religious rulings from the perspective of the Quran and psychology Keywords:

An analysis of some mental states in the process of implementing religious rulings from the perspective of the Quran and psychology authors

فاطمه هاشمی نژاد

دبیر آموزش و پرورش استان کرمان ناحیه 2

مراجع و منابع این Preprint:

لیست زیر مراجع و منابع استفاده شده در این مقاله پیش چاپ را نمایش می دهد. برخی از مراجع این مقاله ممکن است قبلا در سیویلیکا نمایه شده باشند، در این صورت مراجع مورد نظر به صورت کاملا ماشینی و بر اساس هوش مصنوعی و بدون دخالت انسانی استخراج شده و به مقاله یا منبع مذکور لینک میشوند
قرآن کریم. ...
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5. خطیب ، عبدالکریم ، (بی تا) ، التفسیر القرآنی للقرآن ...
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9. سید قطب ، (1394)، فی ضلال القرآن ، مصطفی خرم ...
10. سیوطی ، جلال الدین عبدالرحمن ، (1377)،الدر المنثور فی التفسیر ...
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14. فضل الله ، محمد حسین ،(1419ق) ، دارالملاک ، بیروت-لبنان ...
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19. قرطبی ،محمد بن احمد ، بی تا ، الجامع لاحکام ...
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22. مراغی ، احمد مصطفی ، (بی تا) ، تفسیر المراغی ...
23. مصطفوی ، حسن ،(1416ق) ، التحقیق فی کلمات القرآن الکریم ...
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27. مغنیه ، محمد جواد ، تفسیر کاشف ، موسی دانش ...
28. موسوی بجنوردی ، محمد ،(1379) ، قواعد فقهیه ، موسسه ...
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30. هاید ، مارگارت (1373) ، ترس و مرض های ترسی ...
نمایش کامل مراجع

مقاله فارسی "An analysis of some mental states in the process of implementing religious rulings from the perspective of the Quran and psychology" توسط فاطمه هاشمی نژاد، دبیر آموزش و پرورش استان کرمان ناحیه 2 نوشته شده و در تاریخ 12 اسفند 1403 به صورت پیش چاپ در پایگاه سیویلیکا ثبت شده است. کلمات کلیدی استفاده شده در این مقاله Obsession, habit, fear, Holy Quran هستند. در چکیده این مقاله اشاره شده است که Obsession, habit, and fear are among the psychological states that are not far from the possibility of occurring in the behavior of some people who are obligated to follow religious laws. In the present study, an analytical and partly comparative method has been used to examine the causes, effects, and consequences of those states based on the verses of the ... . برای دانلود فایل کامل مقاله An analysis of some mental states in the process of implementing religious rulings from the perspective of the Quran and psychology با 22 صفحه به فرمت PDF، میتوانید از طریق بخش "دانلود فایل کامل" اقدام نمایید.