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Zero to 100 division of inheritance in Iranian law by simple language

Publish Year: 1403
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Index date: 14 March 2025

Zero to 100 division of inheritance in Iranian law by simple language abstract

The literal meaning of inheritance of survival and the meaning of the heir in the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the sacred names of God Almighty is also considered to be the meaning of inheritance, the wicked or the right that the heirs of the dead are also called the legacy; Inheritance in M. The community is facing new issues every day to achieve and spread justice, inheriting it and dividing it due to the complexity and especially the lack of awareness of how people divide it sometimes lead to the pursuit of disputes and lawsuits in the judicial authorities, so that the need for a qualified lawyer in the work is strongly felt. The lack of awareness of individuals and the incorrect explanation of divine commandments has caused suspicion that has led to the equality of inheritance between men and women, but this is just the difference of injustice, society is changing every day and requires rights to research and research issues. In ancient Rome, it was also believed that the inheritance was divided between the boys and that there was nothing of a daughter. In Asalem, there is a strong answer to the question of why the man was inherited 6 times because the man is the head of the family to be paid in his family. He takes from his wife and no one gives alimony or dowry. In fact, his inheritance can equalize with the man.

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Zero to 100 division of inheritance in Iranian law by simple language authors

فاطمه اکبری

دانشجوی ارشد حقوق خصوصی

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میدانی، کتابخانهای و غیرهبرای جمع آوری دادهها و اطالعات مورد نظر عالوه بر مطالعات کتابخانهای و استفاده از مقاالت و مجالت در راستای این پژوهش که به منظور دستیابی به پیشینه تحقیقاتشان شده، از سایت های اینترنتی نیز جهت یافتن مسئله مورد پژوهش در داخل و خارج کشور نیز استفاده به عمل آمد. همچنین ؛ از پایان نامههای موجود در دانشگاههای کشور که مربوط به موضوع پژوهش نیز می باشد استفاده گردیده ، عالوه بر آن از سایت های معتبر حقوقی نظیر مگ ایران – نورمگز- ایران داک- پورتال جامع علوم انسانی بهره برده مند شده ایم.

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نمایش کامل مراجع

مقاله فارسی "Zero to 100 division of inheritance in Iranian law by simple language" توسط فاطمه اکبری، دانشجوی ارشد حقوق خصوصی نوشته شده و در تاریخ 24 اسفند 1403 به صورت پیش چاپ در پایگاه سیویلیکا ثبت شده است. کلمات کلیدی استفاده شده در این مقاله Inheritance, inheritance, wicker, couple, wife هستند. در چکیده این مقاله اشاره شده است که The literal meaning of inheritance of survival and the meaning of the heir in the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the sacred names of God Almighty is also considered to be the meaning of inheritance, the wicked or the right that the heirs of the dead are also called the legacy; Inheritance in M. The community is ... . برای دانلود فایل کامل مقاله Zero to 100 division of inheritance in Iranian law by simple language با 13 صفحه به فرمت PDF، میتوانید از طریق بخش "دانلود فایل کامل" اقدام نمایید.