Effect of different initial population densities of Meloidogyne incognita on the growth and yield of belmoschus esculentus
Publish place: The first national conference onengineering & management of agriculture, environment and natural resources for sustainable
Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 خرداد 1393
Studies were done to determine the effect of different initial population densities of M. incognita on okra in a pot experiment. Plant growth, flowering and pod bearing were influenced by all the initial population densities. Increase in Pi not only resulted in proportional decrease in plant length, fresh weight, dry weight, pod bearing but also delayed the flowering. The highest reduction was observed at the initial population of 15000 j2 as compared to uninoculated control. It was noticed that reduction in root fresh weight was less than shoot especially at higher initial population. Reproduction of nematode was observed inversely proportional to initial population.
Hesamedin Ramezani
Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University, PO Box. ۱۹۳۵۹۵-۳۶۹۷ Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Abdollahi
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Yasouj, Yasouj, Iran
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