Design of Water-based Drilling Fluids for Obtaining High-Quality Fluid properties during the drilling operation
Publish place: 3rd Iranian Petroleum Engineering Congress
Publish Year: 1390
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 تیر 1393
Drilling fluid is a vital element of the drilling process. Any drilling fluid must have common properties that facilitate safe and satisfactory completion of the well. A mainchallenge in developing a water-based fluid for such applications has been to maintain the stability of key fluid properties such as rheology and fluid loss attemperatures in excess of ١٣٠°C. This paper discusses a novel water-based drilling fluid system with a special additive that produces a stable rheology and low fluid lossat temperatures approaching ٢٠٠°C. The advancements in the science of Nanotechnologies can play a major role in solving some of the common problems indrilling engineering. Nanoparticles can use in the mud systems to improve the lubricating quality and reduce the troubles such as stuck drill string in the drilling operation. In this research a water-based fluid system along with nano particles hasproven to be a successful combination for suitable filtrate and better rheological behavior.
water-based drilling fluid- carbon nanotubes- rheological properties
Majid Sajjadian
Research Institute of Petroleum Industry Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Soleimani
Research Institute of Petroleum Industry Tehran, Iran
Seyed Saleh Hendi
Research Institute of Petroleum Industry Tehran, Iran
Ehsan Esmaeilpour Motlagh
Research Institute of Petroleum Industry Tehran, Iran
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