Investigate The Potential Commercialization Of Knowledge In Engineering &Construction Management of National Iranian South Oilfields Company

Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 853

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 شهریور 1393


Scholars' ideas and research findings in case of commercialization,can result in entrepreneurship and creating wealth and finally economic social welfare and development.Forthe commercialization of knowledge it is necessary to identify processes,methods and forming and underlying factions to be used in commercialization decision making.This survey has determined knowledge commercialization capability in Engineering and ConstructionManagement in National Iranian South Oil Compamy ,rich regions based on some effective infrastructure factors on it including senior management role,market-oriented and customerfocus,participation and interaction,intellectual property management and the role of individual factors.the present survey is based on applied goal and case and field methods.It statistical society includes experts and scholars of this management.Sampling was randomly simple andcollection tools was formed like research questionnaire.Statistical tests like T,Kolmogerov- Smirnov tests Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Chi-Square Test for data analysis.Researcherresults show engineering and construction management of knowledge commercialization capabilities that in Frriedman Ranking Test,indivisual factors role has had the most potential andafter that they are participation and interaction,intellectual property management,senior management role and market oriented and customer focus.


Research findings , knowledge commercialization , knowledge commercial factors in NISOC(National Iranian South Oil Company)



MA Student of EMBA,Kermanshah Branch,Islamic Azad University,Kermanshah,Iran(Corresponding Author)


Phd of Management,Khozestan Branch,Islamic Azad University,Ahwaz,Iran


Phd of Management,Ghazvin Branch,Islamic Azad University,Ghazvin,Iran