Contamination percentage of Semnan barley seeds to seed-borne pathogen T. laevis causal agent of wheat common bunt

Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 694

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 دی 1393


Many plant pathogens can survive in, on, or with seed and seed has been to be an important vehiclefor transmission of plant pathogens from one region to another or new places. Therefore seedhealth test to have enough information about health or contamination of seeds is obligatory. Incommon bunt disease of wheat, causal agent spores attach to seed surface and make seed to be oneof sources of contamination. To know the condition of barley seeds in Semnan province againstcommon bunt disease, from barley seed samples, ١٠ seed samples randomly selected and base onISTA rules washing test carried out. For this purpose ٥٠ g seed weighed, water and ١ – ٢ drops ofT٢٠ added, stirred and centrifuged. Then١٠ μL of suspension for observation of spores was takento microscope. All seed samples were contaminated with spores of common bunt disease of wheatand average number of spores per seed calculated as ١١.٤ with rage of ٢.٤- ١٦ number ofspore/seed. Important point of attention is that the number of wheat common bunt spores on barleyseed was highly greater than of number of spore on wheat seed surface of the region which was٣.٣spore/seed. Anyhow, to prevent spread of casual agent spores to healthy fields more studies areneeded.


M Harati

Seed and plant registration and certification research institute- Shahrood-Iran

S Karami

Seed and plant registration and certification research institute- Shahrood-Iran

S Osroosh

Seed and plant registration and certification research institute- Shahrood-Iran

S Nezarat

Seed and plant registration and certification research institute- Shahrood-Iran