Reduction of Gas Turbine NOX Emissions by Inlet Air Fogging
Publish place: 18th International Power System Conference
Publish Year: 1382
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 اردیبهشت 1386
This paper gives the relationship between inlet air fogging and NOx emissions for a typical single shaft gas turbine. Charts showing the effect of
inlet fogging on the production of both specific NOx (mass of NOx per unit mass of exhaust gas flow) and total NOx (mass of NOx per unit time) are presented. The quantitative data presented here are for a “typical” single shaft turbine may not be accurate enough to be used for making predictions of actual NOx emissions from a particular turbine. However, the charts and information given do serve to show that inlet fogging results in a significant reduction in gas turbine NOx emissions. Turbine operators who require more accurate predictions of NOx production
should consider commissioning a study by a competent consulting firm. Some firms have developed computer models, which can give accurate predictions of NOx as well as other pollutants. Turbine Technology Services, of Houston, TX, AF69 offers such services [1].
Thomas Mee III
Chairman & CEO December ۳۰, ۱۹۹۹
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