Nitrate nitrogen in drink water is dangerous for human health
Publish place: National Conference on Passive Defense Agriculture
Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 476
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 دی 1393
Nitrogen fertilizer is soluble in water and nitrate nitrogen (No3-N) is very mobile in soil.During rainfall the (No3-N) go through the soil profile but didn’t carry with runoff inthe soil surface. The (No3-N) go through the soil profile and may be rich the groundwater. This matter in the normal ecosystem situation is not dangerous. Most of the plantprefer to use (No3-N) compared with another source on nitrogen. In the winter time thatthe most of the plant is not active and use a little of (No3-N) the possibility of interring(No3-N) in the ground water especially in the sandy soil is high. The lysimeter result indifferent location of grass land showed that the amount of (No3-N) leached is about 5.17kg/ha and the amount of runoff is 15.15 cm3. With considering the different equation itscan find that the amount of (No3-N) in water will be 3.3 ppm. This amount is not highbecause 2-3 ppm is good for some plant that living in water. The amount of (No3-N) inmost water in not higher than 2-3 ppm. The USA health center accept maximumamount (10 ppm) of (No3-N) in drink water. By using the optimum amount of nitrogenfertilizer the chance of pollution of water by (No3-N) is very low. By using a largeamount of nitrogen the soil can’t fix the (No3-N) and it will go through the soil profileand will reach the ground water. It must be considered that when the plant growingslowly need a little amount of nitrogen. Applying a large amount of nitrogen especiallyin the sandy soil in winter time that the plant nitrogen uptake is low and the rain fall ishigh will polluted the water by (No3-N) and its not good for human health. Its good if theplant demand for nitrogen match with growing stage of plant.