The effect of different level of N, K on quality and yield of two variety of onion

Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 664

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 دی 1393


vegetable crop has high Nutrition value. Optimization of fertilizer Οonion (Allium cepa L.) as aapplication has vital effect on it s yield and quality in order to investigate, The effects of differentrate of potassium (%٨٠, %١٠٠, %١٢٠) of Crop requirement according to soil test) and Nitrogen(٧٥, ١٢٥, ١٧٥ kg per hectare) on two variety onion yield and nitrate and experiment wasconducted in split plat, with randomize complete block design. Result showed that, there wassignificant different between onion cultivars at ٥% level. White–kashan variety produced greatestyield equal to ٦٠.٣٢ ton/hec and the least nitrate accumulation equal to ٨٤/٧٦ mg/kg in Dm. Withapplication of ٣٠٠ kg potassium and ١٧٥ kg Nitrogen per hectare onion neck thickness decreasedin both onion cultivars. The use of (٣٥٠ kg/hec urea + ٣٠٠ kg/ha potassium sulfate) could increasethe multiple growing points of the kashan white variety onion significantly. But for the Azarshahrred variety onion, this amount of fertilizer caused that the least number of multiple growing onionpoints to be produced. The use of (٣٥٠ kg/hec urea + ٣٠٠ kg/hec potassium sulfate) has increasedthe average eating onion layers in the experiment significantly.