Regional variation in subclade of Leptosphaeria biglobosa

Publish Year: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 بهمن 1393


Stem canker of oilseed rape (canola, Brassica napus) is associated with a species complex of two closely related fungal species, Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa. Here, a wide scale analysis of the L. biglobosa was performed through the world (23 locations from Chile to Canada plus several locations in Mexico and Western Australia for comparison purposes) based on a collection of 1341 isolates from infection tissues of a susceptible cultivar. Fungal were discriminatedon the basis of phytopathological, morphological and molecular criteria and showed that both species complex observed in the same locations. We found ninety four L. biglobosa isolates from all collection samples. We didn’t find L. biglobosa inthe Ontario sampling. Multiple gene phylogeny using sequence of ITS, actin and β tubulin confirmed the orevalence of L. biglobosa 'canadeinsis' sub-clade in Canada, whereas up three different sub-clade of L. biglobosa were found in Georgia (USA) and two sub-clade of. In Australia only L. biglobosa 'canadeinsis' was obtained ,like Canada . Two sub clades were found in the Mexican samples: one isolate belong to the L. biglobosa ‘occiaustralensis’ sub-clade and eight isolates were L. biglobosa ‘canadensis’. One sub clade was found in Chilian sample L. biglobosa 'occiaustralensis


Azita Dilmaghani

Faculty of Pharmacy,Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz

Marie Hélène Balesdent

INRA-BIOGER, Av. Lucien Brétignières, BP ۰۱, ۷۸۸۵۰ Thiverval-Grignon, France,

Thierry Rouxel

INRA-BIOGER, Av. Lucien Brétignières, BP ۰۱, ۷۸۸۵۰ Thiverval-Grignon, France,