Instantaneous pressure field on a submerged jump stilling basin
Publish Year: 1383
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 آذر 1384
The mean flow and the fluctuating motion are necessary to get a proper physical knowledge of the submerged jump. The mean flow analysis allows the determination of the general pattern of the flow, such as the submerged jump length and the mean pressures field. An empirical equation for the estimation of the length of submerged jump is proposed. On the other hand, for the fluctuating motion interpretation, the experimental research on the associated turbulence was made. For this purpose, the authors developed an extensive laboratory research for the instantaneous pressures field determination, taking into account different flow boundary conditions. Because of the random nature of the process, the experimental study of the instantaneous pressure field was based on the knowledge of several statistical parameters of amplitudes and frequencies as functions of the Froude number and the submergence factor.
R.A. Lopardo
NationalWater Institute (INA) Casilla Correo, Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
C.A. Fattor
NationalWater Institute (INA) Casilla Correo, Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
M.C. Lopardo
NationalWater Institute (INA) Casilla Correo, Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
J.M. Casado
NationalWater Institute (INA) Casilla Correo, Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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