Biochemical analysis of bovine (BosIndicus) seminal plasma

Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 اسفند 1394


The aim of this study was to investigate the comparison between some seminal plasma parameters and age of the bull. Concentrations of various biochemical parameters like fructose, glucose, total proteins, albumin and inorganic ions including Na, K and Cl ions of seminal plasma of breeding Sahiwal bulls of different ageswere assessed. Methods: 40Sahiwal bullsdivided into 4 age groups.Semen (2ml pooled) from each bull was collected via artificial vagina. Seminal fructose was determined by Resorcinol method, while seminal glucose, totalprotein and albumin were estimated by automated clinical chemistry analyzer and inorganic ions were determined by MedicaEasylyte Na/K/Cl analyzer. Highest values of fructose, glucose, potassium and albumin were recorded in A Group bulls, On the other hand lowest values of fructose, glucose and potassium were recorded in D group, while albumin concentrations were similar in B and C groups bulls and lower in D group.Highest values of sodium and chloride were recorded in D group bulls, and lowest values of seminal sodium and chloride were recorded in group A bulls. Total proteins concentrations were similar in bulls of four age groups. Concentrations of these parameters showed high variability with respect to age in Sahiwal bulls which tends to clarify the variation of these seminal parameters with respect to age of bulls. This study suggested that seminal plasma of semen should be evaluated for these seminal parameters before the packing of semen for cryopreservation irrespective of the age and breed of the bull


a khan

Department of Biochemistry, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.

m.m yasinzai

Islmaic International University Islamabad, Pakistan.

m.a kakar

BUITEMS Quetta and L&DDD, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.