Audio Lingual Method

Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اردیبهشت 1395


Teaching is the process of carrying out the activities in getting students to learn. Teaching becomes a process of assisting performance, rather than controlling and testing. While, teaching is the process of making students to produce or practice the target and express it, actually, the material from the teacher to the students must be appropriated with the syllabus of the certain school, in order that the students are able to absorb it and they will be able to communicate by using the target language (English). Most of the students still get the difficulties in using English for communication. It is caused many factors including the limited students’ vocabularies and knowledge of grammar, even the method may used by the teacher in teaching English. The other factors that may influence the students speaking ability are the lack of practicing English in their daily life because most of their friends speak L1 (Persian) and not all person in the home can be a model of learning the target language, so students are not able to speak English spontaneously, fluently, and comprehensively because they are afraid of the fault and they are afraid of taking a risk.One method teacher usually used is Audio Lingual Method. Applying Audio Lingual Method in the English classes is challenging)


Teaching Method , Audio Lingual Method (ALM) , English language , Methodology


Maedeh Alemi

MA. Student, TEFL, Iran University of Science and Technology,Tehran, Iran,

Ehteramsadat Tavakoli

MA. Linguistics, Teaching Persian Language,Tehran, Iran,