Evaluating and Ranking the Firms in Chemical Industry Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange with TOPSIS

Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 مرداد 1395


Due to the sublimation and perfection of human knowledge in economics, the concept of efficiency developed in the past two decades and the measurement of it, based on different theories and practice. In economics, efficiency means the maximum of possible output from a certain amount of input. The efficiency is very important for developing countries Because these countries face to a shortage of inputs, production factors and technologies. So the usage of existing resources is critical for these countries. This paper aims to evaluate and rank the financial performance of the chemical firms listed in tehran stock exchange. We Use the data enviornment analysis and TOPSIS methods. This research includes one major question that which company performs better due to the financial ratios. The samle includes the firms in Tehran Stock Exchange within a 3-year period (1390-1392). The Results show that Ahwas Petrochemical company, Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry company and Iran Chemical Industries company are more efficient than others


Khadijeh Mousavi Torkamani

Islamic Azad University South Tehran

Mohsen Hamidian

Islamic Azad University South Tehran