Development of the Theories of Cultural Heritage Conservation in Europe: A Survey of 19th And 20th Century Theories
Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 مرداد 1396
The aim of this study is to pursue the history and development of leading national European theories briefly inrespect to ancient buildings, the cross maturation of these mindsets, and their contribution towards initial movementsand current fertility of international approach in the treatment of historic monuments and sites. The generaldevelopment of the concept is accompanied by a critical selection of the most significant theories and their relationshipwith current practice in the relevant cultural heritage context. The study intents to give a general consciousness aboutthe process of the development of traditional approach to the treatment of medieval structures which first wasparticularly proposed as ‘restoration movement’ in the nineteenth century (Sir George Gilbert Scott, Eugène EmmanuelViollet-le-Duc, etc.), the ‘anti-restoration movement’ or ‘conservation movement’ emphasizing the materialauthenticity and documentary value of the monuments (John Ruskin , William Morris, Camillo Boito, etc.), and themodern conservation theory which was based on a critical historical restoration of the work of art in its aesthetic,historical and use values (Alois Riegl , Cesare Brandi, etc.), and is reflected in the international level.
Jafar Rouhi
PhD Student at University of Naples Federico II, Italy
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