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Examination of Mercury P ollution on Urban B uilt Environment with Regard H uman H ealth and Emphasis on Drinking W ater (Case S tudy: Drinking W ater of Alborz Industrial City)

Publish Year: 1395
Type: Journal paper
Language: English
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Index date: 12 May 2018

Examination of Mercury P ollution on Urban B uilt Environment with Regard H uman H ealth and Emphasis on Drinking W ater (Case S tudy: Drinking W ater of Alborz Industrial City) abstract

The quality of water in different usages especially drinking water has an important role on human health. As increasing the urban population and developing the industries, the releasing different materials into water cause various pollutions and problems for human cycles. The important goal of the present study is analyzing the mercury existence and pollution on different part of urban built environment especially drinking water. Incompatible association between residential areas and other functions have been recently examined and studied. Being adjacent of the residential and industrial areas could generate various pollution, high road traffic, noise, emissions, wastes and wastewaters with heavy metals. For achieving the goal, an important hypothesis was considered, the existence of industries next to the residential land use, cause to increasing the mercury contents in drinking water . The method of this study was analytic-descriptive and experimental procedure for examining the mercury pollution. Alborz industrial city was the case study. Its drinking water was selected for examining the existence of mercury. The results show that the mercury contents in this area are critical more than WHO guidelines for drinking-water quality. Therefore some important recommendations for decreasing the mercury contents were presented.

Examination of Mercury P ollution on Urban B uilt Environment with Regard H uman H ealth and Emphasis on Drinking W ater (Case S tudy: Drinking W ater of Alborz Industrial City) Keywords:

Urban Pollutants , Mercury Pollution , Human Health , Residential and Industrial Areas , Drinking Water

Examination of Mercury P ollution on Urban B uilt Environment with Regard H uman H ealth and Emphasis on Drinking W ater (Case S tudy: Drinking W ater of Alborz Industrial City) authors

Mohammadreza Sadeghi Moghaddam

Ph.D Candidate of Urban Planing ,Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran