Restructuring of Electric Power Supply Systems: Implications of Regulatory Reform Experience for Potential Reformers
Publish Year: 1385
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1384
The main purposes of the study are including a broadly review on implemented reforms in electricity sector of different nations, a comparison of success and failure’s experiences of different jurisdictions , and applicable lessons for ongoing or future potential reforms. The importance and motivations for this review study are such as increasingly development and interest of electricity sector restructuring in the recent decades, Ignored or discarded of successes` experiences, e.g., California unmitigated disaster, useful for policy makers and potential reforms by showing reasons for unsuccessful cases. We denote key barriers to competition (deregulation) in the electricity markets and state microeconomics foundations of restructuring. This review paper represents economic and technological arguments of electricity sector restructuring including driving forces, grounds, and targets. We point out about the implementation methods of electricity restructuring and electricity deregulation assessments. This study reportedly compares the general status of electricity restructuring and implemented reforms cross- different jurisdictions and nations. It reports a comparison of electricity restructuring and performance by econometric and simulation approaches. We extend the comparison of successful and unsuccessful regions in terms of electricity generation, transmission, and distribution sub-sectors. We conclude by some applicable lessons to future potential or ongoing reformers of the electricity sector such as coordination of policies and
responsibilities, designing devices to price risk mitigating, learning of mistakes experiences of other jurisdictions, giving sufficient time to fulfill restructuring, sequencing in restructuring and privatization, coordination of social- environmental goals with economics ones, and so forth.
Restructuring , electricity sector , deregulation , regulatory reforms , electric power supply system
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