Using the Nano surfactant and polymeric surfactant as asubtitutesurfactant to improve wettability, reducing surface tension and increasing the viscosity of injected fluid consequently increasing microscopic displacement in order to achieve maximum recovery from petroleum sources
Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 تیر 1397
Many studies have been conducted so farto investigate the change in wettability and surface deplation by chemical methods.wetting and surface tension have a graet influence on the microscopic displacement of oil from the tin.therefor ,changing the wettabilityof the reservoir and reducing surface tension between fluids by chemical flood is one of the suitable methods for improving oil recovering from oil reservoirs ,which istypically used as surfactant and a mixture of surfactant with Alkaline and polymer. Adding polymer to surfactant in addition to improving wettability and reducing surface tension ,increases the viscosity of injected fluid which will result in better control and spillability of fluid in thr reservoir. Todat, nano particeles with surfactants are also used to change the wettability of a tiffany to a hydrophilic or moderate, which results in an increase in oil recovering. this study, has shown that the use of surfactants with polymer and nano particles will have more effect on the reservoir oil and recovering of reservoirs compared to the surfactant it self so the use of nano surfactant or poly meric surfactant is more cost effective thansurfactant .
Maziar Mahmoudpour
Department petroleum Engineering, Islamic Azad University,ScienceAndResearchBranch,Tehran,Iran
Marzieh Lotfi
Department petroleum Engineering, Islamic Azad University,ScienceAndResearchBranch,Tehran,Iran
Parisa Shojaei
Department petroleum Engineering, Islamic Azad University,ScienceAndResearchBranch,Tehran,Iran
Elham Tahernezhad
Department petroleum Engineering, Islamic Azad University,ScienceAndResearchBranch,Tehran,Iran