Evaluation of ITS based dynamic traffic control and management solutions. Case Study Tehran Motorways

Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 مرداد 1397


Since travel demand increases at a rate often greater than the addition of road capacity, the situation will continue to deteriorate unless better traffic management strategies are implemented. One of the most attractive remedial measures for addressing the congestion problem is the development of the Intelligent Transportation System. By increase of availability of travel and traffic data thorough digitalization of the societies, the traffic management of the urban areas is required to adopt and go toward dynamic and more effective intelligent traffic management approach to improve the quality life accordingly. In this paper first the background of corresponding solutions and new improvement to them will be reviewed and then the relevant ones for motorways of Tehran will analyzed by developing simulation model


ITS , Dynamic Reactive Traffic control and management , Simulation Model


Soheil Mardani

PhD Candidate at Lusofona University