An Industrial Hazardous Waste Location-Routing Problem With Time Windows Under Uncertainty
Publish place: 14th International Industrial Engineering Conference
Publish Year: 1396
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
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Index date: 17 August 2018
An Industrial Hazardous Waste Location-Routing Problem With Time Windows Under Uncertainty abstract
The term industrial waste refers to all wastes produced by industrial and manufacturing processes. Based on several properties, including toxicity, corrosiveness, ignitability and chemical reactivity, industrial waste can be categorized as hazardous waste. One of the main challenges of rapid industrial development is how to reduce the negative impacts of these industrial hazardous waste. Therefore, collecting, transporting, treating, recycling and disposing hazardous waste must be in a safe, efficient and cost effective manner. Decisions related to the locations of treatment, recycling and disposal centers and routing of hazardous waste and waste residues to these centers play an important role in environment-friendly waste management. After the work of Zografros and Samara [1], a vast literature has been built on the topic of hazardous wastemanagement focusing on the location and routing decisions. They formulated a multi-objective model to satisfy objectives concerning travel time, transportation and disposal risk in a waste management system with only one type of waste. List and Mirchandani [2] proposed a model that incorporates multiple types of hazardous waste and considers risk as a function of external impacts which inversely proportional to the square of distance from population concentrations. ReVelle, et al. [3] applied the method of shortest path for route selection, a binary mathematical programming model for storage facility location and the weighting method of multi-objective programming tooptimize a convex combination of two criteria including, transportation burden and perceived risk. Minimizing the economic aspects of the problem is a major concern in effectively managing these systems. In this regard, Current and Ratick [4] have studied a model with objectives related to cost, risk and equality in distribution of the risk. In their model, cost function is comprised of three cost terms; the first reflects the per unit transportation cost and the second represents the cost associated with fixed and variable cost of system facilities. In addition to considering environmental engineering and safety issues, minimization of cost can also be observed in the works of Jacobs and Warmerdam [5] and Cappanera, et al. [6]. The problem of optimally designing a hazardous waste management system in presence of treatment and disposal facilities was addressed by Nema and Gupta [7] and Nema and Gupta [8]. Two more realistic constraints on waste types properties including waste-waste and waste-technology compatibility requirement s were introduced by the authors to provide insights for future researches in this field. As a result, Alumur and Kara [9] have developed linear constraints to formulate the waste-technology compatibility constraint for first time. According to their formulation, a waste can be treated only using its compatible technology. The second type of compatibility constraint has been taken int o account in the formulation proposed by Rabbani, et al. [10]. In their study, incompatible waste types were collected using a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles separately. Emek and Kara [11] used an integer programming model for the problem of locating disposal centers in a hazardous waste management system with recycling and treatment facilities. The government regulations and the air pollution standards play critical role in their study. Samanlioglu [12] and Boyer, et al. [13] investigated a comprehensive waste management system composed of recycling, treatment and disposal facilities with all possible relationships between system components. The most frequently employed approach to deal with the multiobjective optimization problems on this topic is weighting sum method which was used in these studies to balance between cost, transportation risk and location risk. The work of Samanlioglu [12] was further extended considering fuzzy service level requirements for waste generation centers by Ghezavati and Morakabatchian [14]. The first and only studies that utilized an exact multi-objective solution approach (i.e., augmented epsilon-constraint method) to achieve a comprehensive Pareto optimal solutions for this class of problems were reported by Yu and Solvang [15] and Zhao, et al. [16].
An Industrial Hazardous Waste Location-Routing Problem With Time Windows Under Uncertainty authors