The Effects of Correct Google Search on English Grammar Learning

Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 آبان 1397


All around the world learners of a second language have faced lots of problems in different areas of a language such as correct word usage, grammatical accuracy, pronunciation fluency, and etc. In each area, selecting the best choice can be more challenging for foreign language learners as they don’t expose to native-like ones during the days. The present research aimed at teaching a relatively easy way to solve the problem. The number of 60 EFL learners at intermediate level was selected and divided into two groups. To find which areas of grammar are most problematic among the participants a pretest containing 30-item multiple-choice grammar question was given to them. Then 10 questions that most participants answered wrongly were selected as the most challenging ones. During 10 class sessions the participants were taught how to select the correct choice through Google search. The participants found out that in Google sites there are some sentences which are grammatically wrong and they should not trust them. They learned how to search correctly for the correct choices. Google search is a very easier way than looking for the correct answers among different grammar books or asking them from someone. At the end of the sessions they answered to a posttest containing different questions but in the same grammatical areas. The pretest and posttest both were conducted while the participants were connected to internet sites. Data analysis was done through running t-test using SPSS software and statistically significant difference was revealed. The positive aspect of this Google search was that not only the participants learned how to search correctly and select the best choice but also they learned those upper intermediate grammar areas. Further studies can be done on the effects of correct Google search on other areas of English language.


Mona Tavakoli

M.A. Graduate of in English teaching at Islamic Azad University of Isfahan, Khorasgan branch