Stem Cells Therapy: A Review on Approaches That Can Be Used for Treatment of Respiratory Failures in Sulfur Mustard Injured Patients

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 595

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 دی 1397


Sulfur mustard (SM) as a toxic agent can impose severe abnormalissues in the airway system, including oxidative stress, inflammation,necrosis, chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath, and chronic obstructivepulmonary disease (COPD). So far some possible mechanisms have beenconsidered for the toxicity of SM; however, there is still a great necessityto find a suitable clinically sound treatment modality to decrease chroniclung injuries caused by SM. In this study, a large number of publishedpapers were surveyed. This review aims to discuss the therapeutic effectsof MSCs in the treatment of SM-induced pulmonary injuries in bothanimals and humans. Owing to great advancement and accomplishmentin tissue repairing using stem cells therapy (SCT), the importance of celltherapy modalities in lung injuries has increasingly been acknowledged.A number of factors as the most critical criteria should be taken intoaccount in SCT, including types of stem cells, necessary conditions forgrowth and proliferation of stem cells and their homing into the targettissues. Of the stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are considered Statins are well-known as cholesterol-lowering medication. They arecompetitive inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3- methylglutaryl-coenzyme Areductase (HMGCR) which is the key enzyme in the mevalonate pathway.Mevalonate is the precursor of isoprenoids and cholesterol in thispathway. After statins blockage of HMGCR, the production of isoprenoidpyrophosphates (farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) and geranylgeranyldiphosphate (GGPP)) will be abolished. Besides lowering cholesterol,this inhibits the prenylation of small Rho GTPases and blocks theirtranslocation to the plasma membrane which results in attenuated cellgrowth. Therefore, statins are not only involved in lowering cholesterolbiosynthesis but also are involved in the activation of small Rho GTPase.Recently, a large cohort study has been investigated about the possiblebenefits of statins in cancer patients in approximately 200 000 individualsand showed a beneficial effect of long-term statin use on the survivalrate of patients with different types of cancers. In another investigationit has been reported a similar increase in survival time in glioblastomamultiform patients who had been taking statins for longer than one year.In the past five years, my group has shown that statins induce apoptoticcell death in a broad range of human tumor cells with different originsincluding breast cancer, lung cancer and brain tumor cell lines. Ourinvestigations have shown that statins induced intrinsic apoptosis cellin all of these cells affecting GGPP. In addition, our investigationshave shown that statins sensitize GBM cells to temozolomide inducedapoptosis via inhibition of autophagy flux. My group continues theinvestigation on the possible mechanism of statins on cancer cells forpossible future application of these medications as combination therapywith other chemotherapy agents in different types of cancer.Funding Agency: Saeid Ghavami and Shahla Shojaei were supported byHealth Science Foundation general operating grant. Shahla Shojaei wasalso supported by Mitacs Accelerate PDF.


Mostafa Ghanei

Chemical Injuries Research Center, System Biology and Poisonings Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Eisa Tahmasbpour

Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine & Biomedical Innovations, Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran

Amir Nejad-Moghaddam

Marine Medicine Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran