A Comparative Study of Relation of Life and Nature in the Haiku ‘Parakeets’ from The Last Cup of Tea and the Painting made on the said Haiku

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 343

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 اسفند 1397


Life and nature are two significant components in all art forms. The relation between the two is created through the use of various motifs, symbols and imagery. As the medium changes, the necessary elements that depict this relation also transforms. This creates a unique comparative analysis of how symbols transfer from one medium to another. The current research explores the life, nature and their relationship in the Haiku titled ‘Parakeets’ from the collection The Last Cup of Tea by Athar Tahir and the painting created by Ayesha Sajid on the same haiku. This research observes how the poet creates the images through appropriate use of words using figurative language. However, the painters use illustrations to depict the same haiku. The relation of life and nature is re- created in the painting through the use of various colours. The paintings speak of a deep understanding of the use of form, colour theory and use of symbols in the Eastern culture. Here a unique amalgam is created as the researcher observes the deep meanings in the abstract forms. Where the poet has specified the forms of life as in case of parakeets, the painter has not presented a clear picture of the birds, but have drawn various characteristics that the birds and animals refer to in archetype. The research uses the theoretical framework of Marshal Mc Luhan’s theory ‘Medium is the Message’ and draws out a comparison of the symbolic relation of life and nature in the haiku from the Last Cup of Tea. The research is significant to understand the new trends of poetry writing in Pakistan and how the Pakistani poet have handled a Japanese form of poetry to his own socio cultural landscape.This research also brings forth the fact that one thing can have in finite representations in art form


New Trends in Pakistani English Poetry , Symbols in poems and paintings , Relation of Literature and Fine Arts


Naima Bilal

Assistant Professor, English Department, Balochistan University of IT and ۱Management Sciences