The effect of Vipera lebetina venom and Copper nano particles mixture on blood coagulant factors in rat

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 خرداد 1398


Snake venom includes of protein and non-protein components. Non-metal Ions are one of non-protein component that play a role of co-factor for protein enzyme and has proteolytic activities and hemorrhagic. Vipera lebetina is an Iranian venomous snake. Injection process via intraperitoneally was done with doses of 30, 45 and 60 μg/g in Rat. PT and PTT tests was shown that in low doses of venom, the mentioned venom has coagulant activities and in high doses, the venom has non-coagulant activities. Copper nano particles were synthesized via chemical reduction. The mixture of nano particles and venom with different concentration were injected in above rats. PT and PTT tests was done for consideration of coagulant factors. The results of ANOVA test by using of software SPSS, shown that the coagulant factors in intrinsic pathway has non-meaning change but in extrinsic pathway with the increasing of nano particles concentration, PTT decreased and activity changed into coagulan


Mahmoud Farshpour rezaei

Scientific member in Razi serum and vaccine research institute

Mohammad Javad Chaichi

Professor in Mazandaran university

Leila Nazari

Associated professor in Mazandaran university

Maryam Tofighian

Student in Mazandaran university