The Relationship between Mysticism and Peace and Mental Health in Both Personal and Social Dimensions
Publish place: International Congress on Health for Peace
Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: Persian
View: 426
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 3 تیر 1398
Pacifism is a school in which violence is prohibited in anyway byanyone for any purpose and any intention. Mysticism and Sufismare known as peaceful and to be centered by peace in front of anycurrency and any religion. But does it mean that Arif and Sufihave taken the Pacifism as their personal and social ethics This article, while studying the narratives in this regard,concludes that, although the general principles of mysticism andSufism encourage the followers to tolerance, to be open-minded,a kind of pluralism in the term of salvation, compatibility withother religions and religions, the overcoming of the mercy of Godover his wrath and as a result leads to rejection of violence as faras possible; but there are some differences between Sufism andpacifism. In the same discussion, some historical evidence willalso be discussed. It also will be indicated in this paper some oftheoretical and practical principals of Sufism. The first is hisviewpoint on The God, human and universe. And the second ishis treatment with the others like the believers in other religions,the sinners and is opposites.The impact of this dimension of mysticism and Sufism inachieving personal peace and inner peace, peace with ourselvesand with other human beings, all of which is a function of peacewith God and the Existence also its role in the personal health(mental health) of the wayfarer and the health of socialrelationships with others and vice versa; all are supposed to bediscussed in this paper.
Saeed Rahimian
Shiraz University