Effects of exercise intensity on RBP4 levels in female athletes
Publish place: Journal of Physical Activity and Hormones، Vol: 1، Issue: 4
Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 تیر 1398
Introduction: Retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) has been described as an adipokine that contributes to insulin resistance, obesity and the metabolic syndrome. The aim of present study was to examine the effects of exercise intensity on RBP4 levels in female athletes. Material & Methods: 30 female karate athletics were randomly assigned to one of the High intensity training group (HIT, n=10), moderate intensity training group (MIT, n=10), or control group (n=10). The HIT training group performed endurance training 3 days a week for 8 weeks at an intensity corresponding to 75-80% individual maximum oxygen consumption for 45 min. The MIT group performed endurance training at the same days, times and duration at an intensity corresponding to 50-60% individual maximum oxygen consumption for 45 min. Results: Body mass and BMI increased (P<0.05) after 8 weeks HIT and MIT compared to the control group. For body fat percentage and maximal oxygen consumption there were no significant differences between the exercise groups and the control group. There were virtually no changes in body fat percentage, fasting glucose, insulin, insulin resistance and RBP4 levels after 8 weeks HIT and MIT. Conclusions: Serum RBP4 levels were not affected by 8 weeks HIT and MIT in female athletes.
Narges Ahmadi
PhD candidate in Exercise physiology, Department of Exercise physiology, Lar branch, Islamic Azad University, Lar, Iran
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