Overview of cyber security in IOT

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 تیر 1398


In recent years, devices such as cell phones and computers have been connected to the Internet, but with the advent of new technologies, devices such as security cameras, microwaves, cars and equipment now have the ability to connect to the Internet. Today, this type of network of things is known as the internet of things. Internet of Things (IoT) devices are rapidly becoming universal while IoT services are becoming pervasive. Computers and mobile phones have different security solutions to protect them from many attacks, but similar security solutions to protect the rest of the Internet of things are not enough and the variety of networks building makes the IoT vulnerable. However, the integration of smart things into the Internet bring up several security challenges and it is because of the majority of Internet and communication protocols were not designed to support IoT.Moreover, commercialization of IoT has led to public security concerns, including personal privacy issues, cyber-attacks. IN this paper we provide an overview of the challenges in IOT and cyber-attacks in IOT.


Behzad Molavi

Torbat-e Jam, iran Department of Computer since Vahdat institute of higher education

Ali Peivandizadeh

Houston, United States,۷۷۰۰۴ Department of Computer since University of Houston, United States

Mostafa Farhadimoqadam

Torbat-e Jam, iran Department of Computer since Vahdat institute of higher education

Ehsan Kohi

Torbat-e Jam, iran Department of Computer since Vahdat institute of higher education