Analysis of the status of the three Lutheran desert fortress bases for the development of sustainable tourism

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 332

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 تیر 1398


The participation of local communities in the tourism sector is not only beneficial to their communities and environment, but also improves the quality of the tourism experience. The promptness of rapid economic growth makes executive projects in areas susceptible to tourism generally delivered to non-local forces, but this leads to unacceptable environmental, social and cultural costs over time It will be Sustainable and sustainable development in the field of tourism is a process that meets both the needs of the local people and their growing human resources in these growing societies. Climate and climate conditions in a region can create a situation that determines the attraction or exclusion of tourists, therefore one of the first steps for sustainable development in tourism is to understand the climate of the region; Whereas the Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization has established three provincial bases in the provinces of Kerman, South Khorasan and Sistan and Baluchestan in order to ensure sustainable development of tourism and integrated management of the Lut desert, respectively in Shafi Abad, Kerman province, Dasselm province of Khorasan-i-Zanbi and Nusrat-e-Abad province of Sistan and Baluchestan province, have reviewed and Analysis of the status of these three provincial bases from the perspective of the climate indicators, by identifying the status of the governor, identified the best station in terms of climate, and then by providing statistics of the deficiencies and challenges faced by other bases in terms of climate , We can use local communities to compensate for these shortcomings. The type of research is descriptive-analytic, its approach is quantitative and in terms of its purpose. Data collection is based on a library based on internal and external books and publications, as well as data on climate indicators from the statistical periodicals of three provinces of Khorasan-Zanbi, Sistan and Baluchestan and Kerman, by the Statistics Organization Iran was published in 1395 and has been extracted. For situational analysis, multi-criteria decision-making methods have been used. The entropy method is used to weigh the indices and the topsis method is used to analyze the data. The results of the research show that according to the climatic indices, ranking of these three bases in the order of best situation is as follows: Shafi Abad, Dasselm and Nosrat Abad.


Seyyed Abbas Ahmadi.

Assistant Professor of Political Geography, University of Tehran

Niloufar Ahron

Graduate Student, Political Geography Department, University of Tehran