A study of the effect of changes in the area of Maharlu lake on climatic parameters of Shiraz and on land surface temperature of its surrounding areas

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 مهر 1398


Remote sensing is increasingly used in studies of periodic changes of land use and landsurface temperature (LST) calculations. In this paper, the effect of change in the area ofMaharlu Lake on climatic elements, land surface temperature and vegetation cover in theareas surrounding the lake were studied. To this end, the ETM + & TM sensor data ofLANDSAT satellite on May 22, 1987, May 17, 2000, March 20, 1999 and March 18, 2009were used. The findings suggested that the average percentage of vegetation index in the10-km buffer of the lake in 1987 (wet year) compared to 2000 (dry year) had dropped by15% in the same month. In March 1999 and 2009, however, only a 3 percent decline wasrecorded. The minimum, average and maximum LST in the periphery of the lake registeredan increase on the same dates during the wet period, but the temperature pattern wasidentical in both periods. Most climatic elements increased in dry years compared to that ofthe wet years. Also, comparing the statistical features of climatic elements in synopticstations of Shiraz at the time of capturing images and for the long-term average (1956-2012) suggested a relatively lower increase in temperature during wet years compared tothe average long-term period. In most of the years when the precipitation was belowaverage (300 mm), the lake dried in May. In contrast, in years when the precipitation wasmore than 400 mm, the lake received abundant rainfall in all months. The heavydependence of the lake on rainfall, the small size of the catchment and the seasonality ofrivers flowing into the lake make conditions extremely sensitive, critical and rainfalldependent


mehran fatemi

meybod univesity

mahdi narangifard
