Teacher Creativity in Light of Autonomy and Emotional Intelligence
Publish place: Teaching English Language، Vol: 13، Issue: 1
Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 405
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 مهر 1398
Though creativity in teaching has always constituted a seminal issue in discussions of successful pedagogical endeavours, renewed interest in how creativity can be integrated into teaching practices seems to be a fairly recent phenomenon which has gained increased momentum in the current decade. In an attempt to pinpoint the factors underpinning teacher creativity, the researchers in this study embarked on probing the potential relationship between Iranian high school teachers creativity, on the one hand, and their autonomy and emotional intelligence, on the other. In so doing, 100 high school teachers were selected as participants based on availability and convenience. To conduct the study, Torrance s (2008) test of creativity, Shutte et al. s (1998) Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, and Breaugh s (1985) Work Autonomy Scale (BWA) were utilized. Running Spearman rho correlation and Structural Equation Modelling, the researchers came up with a positive relationship between creativity and emotional intelligence, as well as creativity and autonomy. However, teachers gender was not found to be a significant determiner of their creativity. Furthermore, as the results revealed, teachers emotional intelligence had a greater predictive power than autonomy for their creativity. The implications of the study are discussed throughout the paper.
Flora Pashazadeh
Urmia University
Parviz Alavinia
Urmia University
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