Extracting Technical Specifications of a Solar Panel Type to Design a 10 MW Hybrid Power Plant

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 آذر 1398


This paper focuses on the design of a 10 MW hybrid power plant using the technical specifications (data sheet) of an industrial solar panel. The main purpose was to find out the exact electrical properties of the solar panel specialy with conjunction to its temperature, to optimize overall output energy. We first describe the most important types of solar power plants and afterwards focus on electric plant. Subsequently, we use a suitable mathematical algorithm to find required, exact technical specifications for the photovoltaic panels from the manufacturer s general data set. After designing and optimizing the electric powered plant, explanation on the thermal power calculation is provided for using in the subsequent criteria. In the phase of thermal power design, the meteorological information related to the city of Arzoyeh of Kerman (28° 27′ 35.5″ N, 56° 21′ 56.88″ E) has been introduced into the Modelica, a powerful engineering open source software. Accordingly, a proper code was written to extract both interrelated thermal and electrical energies in the whole months during the year along with its corresponding efficiency. At the end of the work, trade off solutions for increasing the efficiency in different conditions and structures suggested, calculated, and compared.


B. Hajipour

Department of Energy, Material and Energy Research Center, Karaj, Iran

S. M. Hasheminejad

Department of Energy, Material and Energy Research Center, Karaj, Iran

H. R. Haghgou

Department of Energy, Material and Energy Research Center, Karaj, Iran