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Hardware in Loop of a Generalized Predictive Controller for a Micro Grid DC System of Renewable Energy Sources

Publish Year: 1397
Type: Journal paper
Language: English
View: 279

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Index date: 1 December 2019

Hardware in Loop of a Generalized Predictive Controller for a Micro Grid DC System of Renewable Energy Sources abstract

In this paper, a hardware in the loop simulation (HIL) is presented. This application is purposed as the first step before a real implementation of a Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) on a micro-grid system located at the Military University Campus in Cajica, Colombia. The designed GPC, looks for keep the battery bank State of Charge (SOC) over the 70% and under the 90%, what ensures the best performance in the battery bank according its technical specifications. The GPC algorithm was embedded on a STM32 microcontroller and the micro-grid model was embedded on an ARDUINO MEGA microcontroller.

Hardware in Loop of a Generalized Predictive Controller for a Micro Grid DC System of Renewable Energy Sources Keywords:

Hardware in Loop of a Generalized Predictive Controller for a Micro Grid DC System of Renewable Energy Sources authors

Oscar Avilés Sánchez

Mechatronics Engineering, Militar Nueva Granada University

Angie Valencia

Mechatronics Engineering, Militar Nueva Granada University

Mauricio Mauledoux Monroy

Mechatronics Engineering, Militar Nueva Granada University

Oswaldo Rivera

Mechatronics Engineering, Militar Nueva Granada University