How Much Can Vehicle Color Affect Crash Risk in Megacities !

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 417

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 دی 1398


An often asked question on vehicle safety in megacities is whether vehicle color has an influence on crash risk and if so, what is the differential in probability between the various colors of cars. Although few rather related studies have been undertaken to investigate this relationship, it seems that these reports have resulted in conflicting outcomes. Therefore, the major objective of this project was to stratify the available data and reassess the relationship between vehicle color and crash risk according to various references. Analysis was classified to vehicle type, light conditions and jurisdiction of crash in two sample megacities. The assorted results identified a statistically significant relationship between vehicle color and crash probability in megacities. The association between vehicle color and crash risk was strongest during daylight hours where relative crash risks were higher for the colorful cars compared to white ones by up to around 10%. Indeed, no color was statistically safer than white, however a number of other colors could not be distinguished from white statistically in terms of relative crash risk. Comparison of the results between two areas suggested that vehicle color also has an association with crash severity when lower visibility colors having higher risks of more severe crashes. Furthermore, the results also suggested that some environmental factors can also modify the relationship between vehicle color and crash risk although further work is required to quantify this.


Omid Rafiee

Tehran Transportation & Traffic Organization, Tehran, Iran