Implementation of Green Building Concept in Commercial Buildings: Malls and Trade Center in Jakarta
Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 بهمن 1398
Development which is less attention to the environment, inefficient use of energy as well as the increasingly dense city make space for the concept of green building to grow even more in Indonesia . The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the implementation of green building principles in commercial buildings. There are three buildings complexes that were examined in this study that is Puri Indah Mall, West Jakarta , International Trade Centre Permata Hijau , South Jakarta and International Trade Centre Cempaka Mas , Central Jakarta . The method used is descriptive with respect to some aspects of building of green aspects such as open space planning, sources of clean water, utility systems, energy management in buildings , refrigerant management and indoor air quality. The results show that the three complexes of buildings are already implementing the provisions for open space areas such as building coverage and infiltration wells. However, the open space is still widely used for parking space. Site drainage is still directed to the city utilities. In terms of energy, these three building are still use refrigerant for air conditioning systems.
Mohd Syarif Hidayat
Ph.D. Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Planning Engineering and Design , Mercu Buana University, Jakarta.
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