Identifying Social Factors Influencing Urban Traffic Accidents from the Perspective of Shiraz Citizens

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 422

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 اسفند 1398


Background: The use of cars in urban travel has dual consequences, on the one hand it creates relative prosperity for the occupants and on the other it has become one of the issues and challenges facing urban management. One of the major consequences of the slight increase in car use is the increase in traffic accidents, and consequently, personal and government injuries and injuries. If we consider driving as a social behavior, then it can be considered as having socio-economic, cultural and personality dimensions. Driving because of its nature and content is a function of various factors, one of which is social. In this article, we seek to identify the social factors affecting the traffic accidents from the perspective of Shiraz citizens.Methods: The method used in this research is field method and survey technique. The research tool is a researcher-made questionnaire that was completed by the respondents. The statistical population of the study is all residents over 18 years old in Shiraz city. Based on the available logistic facilities, 320 of them were randomly selected and surveyed. Face validity was used to validate items and Cronbach s alpha was used to assess reliability.Results: The descriptive findings of the research showed that the average age of the respondents is 32 years and the standard deviation is 4 years. The highest rate of education is among diploma respondents and more than 71 percent of male respondents. The inferential findings of the research showed that there is a meaningful relationship between cultural capital, social capital, socioeconomic status, rule of law and traffic driving laws, meaning that as much as possible, the added variables are added to the rules of driving.Conclusion: Considering the very important influence of social factors on the observance of driving laws, it is necessary to pay attention to the social variables through socialization resources and the mechanism of increasing cultural, social and legal capital among drivers in the agenda of officials and planners to be placed


Social factors - Social capital - Cultural capital - Legitimacy - Intra-city accidents


Jalil Azizi

PhD in Sociology, Jahrom University, Jahrom, Iran