We are pleased to announce that our 2nd international congress is going to take place in Tehran, Iran in 2019. We will cover all aspects of cancer control program, including prevention, early detection, treatment and palliative care.
In particular we will discuss scientific advances in the following areas:
Track 1: Cancer Burden
Track 2: Primary Prevention
Track 3: Early detection and Screening
Track 4: Diagnosis and Treatment
Track 5: Palliative and End of life Care
Track 6: Advocacy, and Cancer NGOs
This conference brings together researchers, partners and organizations who strive to reduce the cancer incidence and mortality. The ultimate goal of this congress is to facilitate international research to implement equitable and evidence-based strategies for cancer control.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in the
“International Cancer Control congress, Tehran, April 23-25, 2019”.
- To create a platform for networking of the cancer stakeholders and researchers to integrate researches to policy and action
- To critically review the recent national policies and actions in prevention and early detection
- To present the trend of the main cancer prevention measures in the country
- To put forward the recent scientific achievements about cancer prevention in Iran
- To review the most important international scientific advices and recommendations
- To join the World Cancer Day and organize public awareness events