رفع تداخل و عدم برخورد سه بعدی بین چندین پرنده براساس اولویت پروازی با استفاده از نظریه بازی

Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: Persian
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 آذر 1399


The main goal of this research is the conflict resolution and collision avoidance between multi low altitude aircraft using differential game theory. The conflict resolution is investigated as a cooperative differential game using a non-inferior method. In this study, the problem is considered as a constrained nonlinear differential game and is transformed into a single objective function using the weighted combination of aircraft objective functions. The objective function obtained along with all functional and environmental constraints will be solved in nonlinear programming using the pseudo-spectral method. The three degrees of freedom with performance constraints are used to model the problem. Also for the validation, the problem of conflict resolution will be solved in four different examples using the performance characteristics of a real aircraft based on low altitude flight rules. In these examples, the impact of priority coefficients on the flight path, the impact of the presence and constraint of the flight space on two-dimensional and three-dimensional space will be examined. The results show that in order to resolution of conflict base on the flight priority, it affects the control effort and flight path of each of the conflicting aircraft. This flight priority can be based on the need for airlines, flight delay, number of passengers or etc.


مسعود میرزایی تشنیزی

دانشجو دکتری مهندسی هوافضا / دانشکده علوم وفنون نوین، دانشگاه تهران

امیررضا کوثری

عضو هیات علمی / دانشکده علوم وفنون نوین، دانشگاه تهران، تهران

سعید شاخصی

عضو هیات علمی / پژوهشگاه فضایی ایران

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