Background and Objective:
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common bone-cartilage disease. It is well known that osteoarthritis is associated with obesity and various cardiovascular risk factors. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of cardiovascular risk factors. In this study, we assessed cardiovascular risk factors in patients with OA and their relationship with OA severity. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted on 323 patients with OA in Zanjan, Iran, in 2010. Metabolic syndrome (Mets) was defined based on National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) and Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) criteria. Information on waist circumference, blood pressure, levels of blood sugar, triglyceride and HDL levels was collected and the severity of osteoarthritis was examined using WOMAC questionnaire. The level of insulin was measured for 234 of patients. Results: 93.2% of the patients were female and 6.8% were male. The mean age of the patients was 57.2 ± 9.4 year. The most prevalent site of osteoarthritis was knee (48.6%). According to the NCEP-ATP III criteria, the prevalence of Mets in these patients was 46.1%. The prevalence of Mets components was as follow: central obesity (53.3%), high triglyceride level (51.4%), hyperglycemia (33.4%), high blood pressure (61%), and low HDL level (43%). The mean score of the Iranian WOMAC questionnaire for the patients with Mets was higher (53.23) than that in the patients without Mets (41.65, P=0.003). The prevalence of Mets was also increased with increasing age. Insulin resistance was present for 35.7% of the patients. Conclusion: The prevalence of Mets was high in this population regardless of the OA type. In addition, Mets was more prevalent in patients with severe OA. This may indicate a relationship between the prevalence of Mets and the severity of OA. References 1- Rodrigues Pereira RM, De Carvalho JF. Bonfá E. Metabolic syndrome in rheumatological diseases. Autoimmunity Reviews. 2009 8: 415-41. 2- Kornaat PR, Sharma R, van der Geest RJ, et al. Positive association between increased popliteal artery vessel wall thickness and generalized osteoarthritis: is oa also part of the metabolic syndrome? Skeletal Radiol. 2009: 38:1147-51. 3- Sowers MF, Hochberg M, Crabbe JP ,et al. Association of bone mineral density and sex hormone levels with osteoarthritis of the hand and knee in premenopausal women. Am J Epidemiol. 1996 143: 38-48. 4- Felson DT.
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