The effect of 12 weeks of resistance training on the Apelin, Omentin-1 levels and insulin resistance in the elderly overweight women with type 2 diabetes abstract
Background and Objective: Nowadays, it has been recognized that Apelin and Omentin as the hormones secreted by adipose tissue, can be effective in regulating metabolism. The purpose of the present study was to determine the impact of 12 weeks of resistance training exercises on the Apelin, Omentin-1 levels and insulin resistance in overweight elderly women suffering from type 2 diabetes. Materials and Methods: 30 elderly obese women were selected then assigned into two groups of control (n=15) and case (n=15) based on their body fat percentage and BMI. The mean age and BMI of the participants in the case and control groups were 53.30 ± 5.88, 28.7±2/2 and 51.26± 7.12 , 29.11 ± 3.6 respectively. The intervention program included resistance exercises with 50-55% 1 RM conducted increasingly, 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Blood samples were taken before the training and 24 hours after the last training session. U Mann-Whitney Test was used to analyze the data and Wilcoxon test was used at the significance level of p≤ 0/05 to compare pretest and posttest results in the groups, Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference in glucose level (p<0.00001), but no significant difference was found between Apelin and Omentin-1 levels and insulin resistance. Conclusion: It is concluded that although our training exercise program changed the glucose metabolism, it cannot be considered as a potential means of evoking the level of Apelin and Omentin-1. This may be due to inadequate time and intensity of the training exercises. References 1- Larsen L, Akerstrom T, Nielsen S, Keller P, Keller C, Pedersen BK. Visfatin mRNA expression in human subcutaneous adipose ttissue is regulated by exercise. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007 292: E24-E31. 2- Nikbakht H, Taghyan F, Karbasian A. The effect of aerobic training on apelin levels in obese women. 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