Classification of Labroud river sedimentary in entrance stage and estimate of entrance sediment amount in Damghan Shahid Shahcheraghi barrier
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Classification of Labroud river sedimentary in entrance stage and estimate of entrance sediment amount in Damghan Shahid Shahcheraghi barrier abstract
The study area is located in Alborz zone. Shahid Shahcheraghi dam in Damghan is
located on Cheshmeali river which covers 2 main branches named Damghanrood and
Labroud, established at a distance of 12 km in the northwest of Damghan.Water flow in
rivers washes their bed materials and walls, and causes to move them in the circulation
route. The moving materials conform the sediment load. In transference mechanisms
point of view, sedimentary load is divided into two groups of suspended load and bed
load.Water flow in rivers washes their bed materials and walls, and causes to move
them in the circulation route. The moving materials conform the sediment load. In
transference mechanisms point of view, sedimentary load is divided into two groups of
suspended load and bed load.This research is based on Sedimentary and Hydrological
studies upon Labroud basin in Damghan Town. The studies about characteristics of
sediment in this river, the factors which are effective in production of sediment,load and
the carried amount of sediment by the river are all so crucial in construction of a barrier
over this river. Labroud river sediment granulationand account of statistical parameters
on the base of their accumulative curves, Facies Classification dividing the total
sediment load estimates compiled Myal,also the total account of sediment load on
Damghan Shahid Shahcheraghi barrier are all supposed to be the goal of this research.
According to this fact that the number of 10 samples of bottom sediments in the main
chanel was picked, The results gained in the research show that sediments in this river
contain an average to a very bad sorting,a positive skewed, an average size
of(particle(average of particles)amount of particles(average of particles)pebbel,gravel
and according to its extension are Very Platykurtic to Very Leptokurtic which all
indicate the existence of particles in various sizes & because of high speed flow, the
sediment of large grains are more affluent. Also small grain particles are increased when
water discharge is low.The sedimentary facies identified in the Labroud catchment,
according to their volume are mainly the gravel facies of ; Gmm, Gcm, Gmg and mud
facies are fm which are observed in limited numbers.
This study also indicates the relation between flow(discharge(Qw) and sediment
suspension discharge(Qs) for Labroud river that are calculated by the methods USBR
and FAO which are equal to Qs=10.67Qw 2.573 & Qs=50.7Qw 2.573. Since FAO has had a
better function rather than USBR and gives almost a closer estimation to a real scale, it
was selected as a suitable method in calculation of suspension load.
The amount of bed load has been accounted about 50 percent of suspension load scale
which was obtained according to the kind of sediments on the river bed. As a result, the
total sediment load of the river was estimated 8627.25 tons per year and the especial
sediment of the river is 64.19 tons per square kilometer per year.
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Classification of Labroud river sedimentary in entrance stage and estimate of entrance sediment amount in Damghan Shahid Shahcheraghi barrier Keywords:
Classification of Labroud river sedimentary in entrance stage and estimate of entrance sediment amount in Damghan Shahid Shahcheraghi barrier authors