Synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of n ano-bioactive-glass es (NBG) by a quick alkali-m ediated s ol–gel met hod

Publish Year: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 216

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400


Bioactive glasses (BG) are i mportant gro up of materials with a wide range of application in medicine as bone substitute. These materials are abl e to bind with bone in a living org anism throug h a layer of hydroxy apatite (HA) formed on their surf aces [۱]. Most researc h on antibacterial effects of silver ions in silic a based-bioactive glass systems ha ve been rep orted [۹-۱۶]. However, one shoul d stress that, to the best of our knowledge, physico-chemical intera ctions of these kinds of bioactive glasses in simulated body fluid (SBF) solution w as not studied and interp reted so far. Soaking in solution similar to th e human b lood plasma they develo p an apatite like layer, which is a t the origin of the bon d formed between bio active materials and livi ng tissues [۲ ۱]. The objective of the present st udy was to produce a so l–gel derived bioactive silicophosp hate glass ba sed on SiO۲–CaO–Ag۲ O–P۲O۵ system with different molar ratio of silver oxide in the glass composition and co mpared its physicoche mical,bioactivity and an tibacterial properties to those of a silver-free bioactive glass using p roper analytical techniq ues.


nader Nezafa ti

Biomaterials Gr oup, Faculty o f Biomedical E ngineering (Center of Excellence), Amirka bir University of Technology, P. O. Box: ۱۵۸۷۵-۴۴۱۳, Tehran, Iran

Fathollah Moztarz adeh

Biomaterials Gr oup, Faculty o f Biomedical E ngineering (Center of Excellence), Amirka bir University of Technology, P. O. Box: ۱۵۸۷۵-۴۴۱۳, Tehran, Iran

Saee d Hesaraki

Na notechnology and Advanced Materials Department, Mat erials and Energy Research C enter, Karaj, Iran