Solubility of Hydrogen Sulfid and Sulfur Dioxide in Triethylen Glycol, Tetra Ethylene Clycol and Diethanol (TECHNICAL NOTE). AMINE SOLUTION

Publish Year: 1376
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اسفند 1400


Natural gas sweetening is an important process which is used for treatment of sour gases. The measurement of solubility is also considered in most sweetening processes such as that of Townsend process. Therefore, experimental measurements would be helpful to determine the equilibrium data under actual equilibrium conditions for the gas treatment plants. In this research solubility of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide in various solvents was determined within a wide range of temperatures, ۲۳ to ۶۰C. Solubility of hydrogen sulfide in ۹۸ per cent tetraethylene glycol was measured at room temperature in a static pool and in an agitated vessel, were found to be ۱۴.۱۱ and ۲۸.۰۵ mg/g of solvent, respectively. Sulfur dioxide solubility which was also measured at ۲۳C in a static pool and an agitated vessel, were ۲۳.۷۲ and ۲۶۲.۷۷ mg/g of solvent, respectively. Solubility is generally reduced by increasing temperature in most solvents, except that in diethanol amine in which it is in reverse order. The maximum solubility of gases at ۹۳ percent diethanol amine at ۶۰C, was obtained. These were ۳۱۹.۳۱ and ۵۴۹.۱۴ mg/g of solvent, in static vessel and an agitated vessel, respectively. Based on experimental results, maximum solubility was obtained in an agitated vessel at lower range of temperature, except for diethanol amine for which solubility were maximized at higher range of temperature.


AA Rostami

Mazandaran, chemistry

D. Farmanzadeh

Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, University of Mazandaran

Ghasem Najafpour

Biochemical & Chemical Engineering, Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol