The relationship between club social media interaction and customer loyalty of bodybuilding and aerobics clubs

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 شهریور 1401


With the explosion of social media platforms in the interactive digital media space and increasing companies understanding of the importance of loyal customers, the issue of using social networks in developing customer loyalty has become very prominent. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between interaction in the club s social media and customer loyalty of Mashhad bodybuilding and aerobics clubs. The research method was descriptive-correlation which was performed in terms of type of field performance. To collect data, Yoshida et al. (۲۰۱۸) questionnaire was used, which consisted of four variables: club social media entertainment feature, customer feature, club social media participation and interaction and customer loyalty. The statistical population of this study was the customers of bodybuilding and aerobics clubs in Mashhad. Clubs were selected that had at least active social media such as Instagram, Telegram and the site, and on these pages offered special activities to attract and interact with their customers. G-Power software was used to determine the statistical sample size and according to the software output, ۲۰۰ questionnaires were designed online and made available to club customers. Multivariate regression test was used to analyze the data. Findings showed that all three variables of entertainment characteristics, customer characteristics and interaction in the social media of the club were significant predictors of customer loyalty of Mashhad bodybuilding and aerobics clubs. At present, these networks have provided the possibility of exchanging ideas, strengthening collective discussion and exchange, and expanding virtual friendly communication between customers and the club audience, and have had a positive effect on strengthening their social relations, which can lead to customer loyalty. Therefore, managers are recommended to use challenging, competitive or poll posts on their pages in order to create interactions and communication between the audience and customers, as well as increase the number of visits to the club page. To increase the participation and interaction of the audience and customers.