providing a model of effective and preventive factors of corruption in the sports industry

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 شهریور 1401


The present study was conducted with the general aim of presenting a model to prevent corruption in the Iranian sports industry. The method of the research is a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) which in terms of strategy is descriptive-survey, based on purpose is exploratory and in terms of results is basic and applied research and the paradigm of this research is pragmatism. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part included experts in the field of corruption in the university as well as executive managers active in the sports industry and in the quantitative part included the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and its related organizations and institutions.Sampling of the qualitative part was purposive sampling and snowball sampling technique was used. in the quantitative part stratified random sampling method was applied. Data was collected through interviews and a questionnaire. Descriptive statistical techniques (frequency percentage, Shannon formula) and hidden content analysis technique were used to analyze the interviews. Data analysis was performed in the qualitative part by MAXQDA software version ۱۸ and in the quantitative part by SPSS software version ۲۵, Smart PLS. The results indicate that in general, ۹ factors affecting corruption in the country s sports industry, including the nature of sport, managerial, social, technical and professional, media and cyberspace, governmental, moral, legal and motivational factors. Finally, models of anti-corruption strategies in the country s sports industry were developed, which had a good fit according to the model fit tests. Reducing corruption in the country s sports industry can lead to the development and promotion of positive functions of the sports industry. Therefore, it is suggested to those involved and senior managers of various sports organizations in the country that the model, variables and the identified components of this research can be used as a baseline for anti-corruption in their organizations and thereby provide the groundwork for the flourishing of the country s sports industry and its positive effects on the economy, culture, society, etc. in the country.