The role of prototyping in user experience design

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 شهریور 1401


One of the important reasons for non-acceptance of products in the market by users is the lackof understanding of the real needs of the user by the design teams. Therefore, meeting theneeds of the customer is essential for the success of the new product. The concept of userexperience tries to prioritize the user's needs in all stages of design. User experience hasbecome a key aspect of product, service and system design. Teams that use the concept ofuser experience in the development of their products, achieve benefits such as reducingdevelopment costs and product support while increasing customer satisfaction. Prototyping isan essential component of the user experience because users can participate in the design orevaluation process with the help of prototypes. The purpose of this study is to investigate therole of prototyping in creating a pleasant experience for users. Also, accurate estimation ofproduct success in the market after final introduction and accurate evaluation and applicabilityis another goal of this study. This research is a subject researching and reviews the documentscollected from library sources. This research makes it clear that in order to create a pleasantuser experience, special attention should be paid to the mental and pleasure aspects of theuser, the usability aspects of the product and its accurate evaluation. Based on this, aframework is provided according to the psychological principles of the user, which are usuallyfixed over time, and the up-to-date principles of user experience design, prototyping andusability, and to a large extent, a pleasant experience for users can be achieved.


Ali Faraji

Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran.

Sadegh Bakhtiari Dastgerdi

MA Student, Department of Industrial Design, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.