A Codirectionality Assisted Motion Estimation Algorithm
Publish place: 20th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering
Publish Year: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 1,801
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 مرداد 1391
Block-based motion estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive part of a video encoder. In this paper a new genetic based search algorithm is proposed tospeed up the process and find the best matching block. In the proposed method, the fitness function is compared with a predefined threshold to stop performing unnecessarycomputations. The initial population of the genetic algorithm is selected based on the spatial and temporal correlation amongmotion vectors. Considering the codirectionality among neighbouring vectors, we develop our algorithm. Since manyblocks in a frame can be regarded as stationary or quasistationary the suggested initial population involves these kinds of blocks. Simulation results on popular test video sequencesindicate higher performance of the proposed algorithm compared to the latest fast motion estimation algorithm
S.M.Reza Soroushmehr
Dept. of Electrical and Computer EngineeringIsfahan University of Technology
Shadrokh Samavi
Dept. of Electrical and Computer EngineeringIsfahan University of Technology
Shahram Shirani
Hamilton, ON, Canada
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