Determination of Householder's Satisfaction towards Private Sector Involvement in Municipal Solid Waste Collection Services in Pol-e-Khumri, Afghanistan

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 آذر 1401


This study was performed to obtain the householders' satisfaction level towards the municipal solid waste collection service of Amir Rahyab company in Pol-e-Khumri, the capital city of Baghlan province. A total of ۳۳۱ questionnaires were distributed to registered clients of the company, from which ۳۱۰ were returned back. Collected data were analyzed using a statistical package for social science (SPSS) software. The results show that householders are dissatisfied with the overall service delivery provided by the private company. The relationship between participants' socio-economic status (level of education and monthly income) and their satisfaction level was also determined. It was found that householders with a high level of education and high income have low satisfaction compared to householders with lower education levels and incomes. This study suggests modification in the involved process of the private sector and enhancing the quality of their services, such as frequency of waste collection, vehicles and equipment usage, and handling of waste containers during transportation and final disposal site. Availability of specific policies for private sector involvement, routine monitoring by Pol-e-Khumri municipality and Baghlan environmental department, and public awareness programs seems reasonable to overcome the existing challenges in public-private partnership of waste management.


Misaq Ahmad Muradi

۱Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Baghlan University, Baghlan, Afghanistan

Parwiz Qaderi

۲Geography Department, Faculty of Education, Baghlan University, Baghlan, Afghanistan

Sayed Abdul Qahar Haqiqat

۳Educational Science Department, Faculty of Education, Baghlan University, Baghlan, Afghanistan